RTO Courses

Woman taking notes during vocational training at Fairbridge College

Training at Fairbridge Western Australia Inc.

Fairbridge Western Australia Inc. has been a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) since 2003. Providing Vocational Education and Training (VET) to students resulting in qualifications or statements of attainment, recognised and accepted by industry and other educational institutions throughout Australia. One of our core focuses is to provide opportunities for young people through VET training courses. The RTO works closely with the secondary school, Fairbridge College, to deliver VET for year 11 & 12 students and improve their future employment pathways. These courses create opportunities for young people to grow, personally and within society to bring positive sustainable change in their lives, their families and the community.

As an RTO we are required to:

  • comply with the 2015 RTO Standards,
  • employ qualified training and assessment staff.
  • have and abide by, policies and procedures.

Our registration is with the Training Accreditation Council (TAC) and covers our scope of delivery and the courses we are delivering. The Training Accreditation Council also carries out monitoring audits.

Being an RTO means we can:

  • deliver training and assessment in a nationally recognised qualification.
  • offer recognition of current competencies and prior learning (RCC &RPL).
  • issue qualification certificates and Statements of Attainment where the learner has met the requirements.
  • recognise other RTOs and the qualifications and Statements of Attainment they issue.
  • form partnerships with other RTOs for delivery of training that does not fall under our scope.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about training at Fairbridge, please contact us using the information below:

Postal Address: PO Box 173, Pinjarra WA 6208
Phone:  (08) 9531 7932
Email:                      [email protected]

RTO National Provider ID 50612

Contact Us

Fairbridge Western Australia Incorporated Fairbridge Village South West Highway P.O. Box 173 Pinjarra WA 6208

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