

Fairbridge College is situated within a historic and heritage-listed rural town site.   It is well-appointed with a range of natural learning environments such as bushland, watercourses, adventure therapy activity areas, pastoral and livestock areas, social enterprise areas.  Therefore, the school’s curriculum can be delivered with a high degree of practical and industry relevance in an environment that is conducive to maximising learning outcomes with the required social support.


Students focus on hands on tasks and real life experiences utilising the village environment and not just the classroom. As the Fairbridge Village layout is based on a philosophy of integration with the natural environment and not based on an institutional design this has proven to provide an ideal learning environment for disengaged young people.


Students attending Fairbridge College receive a personalised learning program and behaviour support plan developed in collaboration with the school’s learning support team, the student and other relevant professional agencies under a case management process.

The 8 Curriculum Areas and accredited training programs are all be done in a context of sustainability. Our approach to sustainability in education means our students will learn trans-disciplinary knowledge, concepts and skills via a multi-dimensional, multi-location experiential ‘learning through doing’. This sustainability approach emphasises: critical and creative thinking, problem solving, decision making, analysis, co-operative learning, leadership, and communication skills. As a result, it is a very effective way of achieving educational objectives without adding to the problem of curriculum overload.


Young people planning their own program or activities both in and outside the classroom gives them voice and choice which, in turn, contributes to the building of confidence, independence and resilience. The programs and activities delivered by Fairbridge Collage are orientated and supported to provide a sense of personal achievement enabling students to experience small successes each day and build to bigger achievements. They are viewed as partners in their learning therefore taking on a deeper understanding and responsibility to their own development assisting greatly in developing a sense and commitment to life-long learning principles.